Are You Keen On Learning More About Exercise and Muscles?
Do join us for a Webinar Talk on:
"Basic Understanding of Muscles"
As members of ASPIRE55, we should be no stranger to exercise, or more specifically strength training. But have you wondered what happens to your muscles when you exercise? In this Webinar, Rong Xing will be going through the basics of how muscles work and the physiological importance of exercise.
The Webinar hopes to provide you with relevant knowledge on the training you experience in ASPIRE55, and for you to have a better understanding of the workings of the muscles. Through this, you will better appreciate each repetition when you step back into the ASPIRE55 clubhouse!
Webinar Contents Include:
Profile of Rong Xing:
Rong Xing has graduated with a Degree in Sport Science (University of Western Australia), providing her with excellent knowledge in anatomy, proper exercise techniques and alignment. As such, she always strives to provide safe and effective workouts suited to each individual’s needs.
To join us for the webinar, simply click onto the URL link that will be sent out to you on WhatsApp via ASPIRE55 broadcast message. Do keep a look out for our message nearer to the date of the webinar. We hope to see you there!