ASPIRE55 Is Having an Online Farewell Party For Our Staff and Interns!
Given that our staff, Henry, alongside our interns, Delia and Yiyan, will be leaving us as of 22 May, we will be holding a short farewell party online for them to thank them for their efforts at ASPIRE55. We will start at 4pm with a short catch-up session with members. Do join us to chit chat with the ASPIRE55 team and other members!
Dress code: Bright and Cheerful
Menu: Bring along a cup of juice, coffee or tea! You may even bring a glass of wine if you've feels for it!

To join our Zoom meetings, simply click onto the URL link that will be sent to you on WhatsApp by your respective clubhouse managers in the broadcast message a day before or on the event day. Do drop us a message if you have any questions regarding our Zoom Catch Up session!
We hope to see you there (online)!