Behind the Scene of ASPIRE55 Team: Work from Home Edition
As the Circuit Breaker was lifted on 1 June and Singapore moved into phase one of re-opening, the ASPIRE55 team are gearing up for clubhouse activities to resume. Unfortunately, there are no timeline on the actual date.

During this time, the ministry of health has advised that seniors should continue to stay home and stay active.

So, for the month of June, ASPIRE55 will continue to offer our wide variety of online contents.
- Live workout sessions via Zoom
- Happy Hour series
- Brain Games
- Live Webinar Talkshows
- Weekly one-minute stretch series

Organizing and delivering quality contents for our members is no easy task. ASPIRE55 team meets regularly to plan, discuss, and iron out all the details. Here is a sneak peek into the "serious discussion" faces. Can you recognize us?

Please visit out activity page to see the full list of what is coming up this week~!